UNIVER Solenoid Valve
UNIVER Solenoid Valve
Valves | (3") 76mm Normally Closed, 1 1/2" (40mm) Normally Close, 1 1/2" (DN40) Plastic Actuator 63, 1 1/2" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0.2-10 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1 1/2" Ball Valve – 2 Way, 1 1/2"Diaphragm to suite SLP valve – Viton, 1 1/4" – 1 1/2" N.C., 1 1/4" (DN32) Plastic Actuator 63, 1 1/4" Diaphragm to suite SLP valve – Viton, 1", 1" – One Way, 1" (25mm) Normally Closed, 1" (DN25) Plastic Actuator 50, 1" (Large Actuator) Plastic Actuator 63, 1" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1" 2/2Way Brass N.O. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1" 2/2Way S/S N.C. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1" 3/2 Sol Valve for Vacuum N.O – U2, 1" Ball Valve, 1/2", 1/2" – 2 Station EMC, 1/2" – 4 Station EMC, 1/2" – 5 Station EMC, 1/2" (DN15) Plastic Actuator 50, 1/2" 04 Blank for 260 series valves, 1/2" 2 Station, 1/2" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/2" 2/2Way Brass N.O. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/2" 2/2Way S/S N.C. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/2" 3 Station, 1/2" Ball Valve – Red Handle, 1/2" Diaphragm To suite PU -220 valve, 1/2" F/F Mini Univer, 1/2" Gasket, 1/4", 1/4" – 10 Station EMC, 1/4" – 3 Station EMC, 1/4" – 4 Station EMC, 1/4" – 6 Station EMC, 1/4" – 8 Station EMC, 1/4" 10 Blank for 260 series valves, 1/4" 2 Position Bottom Plate with mechanical detent, 1/4" 2 Station, 1/4" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0-100 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/4" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0-30 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/4" 2/2Way Brass N.O. 0-30 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/4" 3 Position bottom plate with detent, 1/4" 3 Station, 1/4" 3/2 & 5/2 Amplified Piston, 1/4" 3/2 Amplified electrical cover, 1/4" 3/2 Body & Spool, 1/4" 3/2Way Brass N.C. 0-10 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/4" 4 Station, 1/4" 4 Way, 1/4" 5 Station, 1/4" 5/2 & 5/3 Amplified Electrical Cover, 1/4" 5/2 & 5/3 C/C Valve body & spool, 1/4" 5/2Way Spring Lock, 1/4" 5/2Way Spring Ret, 1/4" 5/3 Amplified Piston, 1/4" 5/3 C/Open Valve body & Spool, 1/4" 5/3 Spool Pressured centre, 1/4" 6 Station, 1/4" 8 Station, 1/4" Amplified pneumatic cover pilot, 1/4" Ball Valve (ITB116), 1/4" Bottom plate with mechanical spring, 1/4" F/F Mini Univer, 1/4" Gasket, 1/4" Hand lever cover 90Deg, 1/4" Male – Female, 1/4" Male/Female, 1/4" Turbine Type Vibrator, 1/4" Valve 3/2 N.C. with Pilot Port, 1/4" Valve 3/2 Way Spring Return Push Ball, 1/4" Valve 5/2 Way Spring Return Ball Push, 1/4" Valve 5/2 Way with Pilot Port, 1/8", 1/8" – 1/4", 1/8" – 10 Station EMC, 1/8" – 4 Station EMC, 1/8" – 6 Station EMC, 1/8" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0-30 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/8" 2/2Way Brass N.O. 0-30 Bar -10-140C Viton, 1/8" 3 Position bottom plate centre position, 1/8" 3 Position bottom plate with detent, 1/8" 3/2 & 5/2 Amplified Piston, 1/8" 3/2 Amplified Electrical Cover, 1/8" 3/2 Body & Spool, 1/8" 5/2 & 5/3 Amplified Electrical Cover, 1/8" 5/2 & 5/3 C/C Valve body & spool, 1/8" 5/2 Way Ball Push Valve Spring Return, 1/8" 5/3 Amplified piston, 1/8" 5/3 C/Open Valve body & spool, 1/8" 5/3 Spool Pressured Centre, 1/8" 5/3 Way C/Exh Spr/Ret, 1/8" Amplified pneumatic cover pilot, 1/8" Bottom plate with mechanical spring, 1/8" F/F Mini Univer, 1/8" Gasket, 1/8" Hand Lever cover 90deg, 1/8" Male – Female, 1/8" Male /Female, 110 VAC 8 Watt, 110V AC Coil U2 – Excludes Plug, 12 VDC 8 Watt, 12V DC Coil to suit ISO Valve, 12V DC Coil U2 – Excludes Plug, 18" 2 Position bottom plate with mechanical detent, 2 1/2" (65mm) NormallyClosed, 2 1/2" (DN65) Plastic Actuator 80, 2" (50mm) Normally Closed, 2" (DN50) Plastic Actuator 63, 2" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0.2-10 Bar -10-140C Viton, 2" N.C., 2/2 Way 1/2" Sol Valve Viton N.Open, 2/2Way 1 – 1/2" Brass N.Closed Viton, 2/2Way 1 1/4" N.C Sol Valve Viton, 2/2Way 1/2" N/C Valve, 2/2Way 2 N.C Sol Valve Viton, 2/2Way 3/4" Brass Valve N.C Viton, 2/2Way Brass Valve 1" N.C Viton, 2/2Way Brass Valve 1/4" 2MM, 2/2Way1/4" N.C Sol Valve10.5Orifice 220V, 220V AC Coil to Suit ISO Valve, 220V AC Coil U2 – Excludes Plug, 230 VAC 8 Watt, 24 VAC 8 Watt, 24 VDC 8 Watt, 24V AC Coil to suit ISO Valve, 24V AC Coil U2 – Excludes Plug, 24V DC Coil to Suit ISO Valve, 24V DC Coil U2 – Excludes Plug, 25mm Pulse Valve, 3" (DN80) Plastic Actuator 100, 3/2 Solenoid Stem with 2 position manual overide, 3/2 Way, 3/2 Way 1" N/C Solenoid/Spring Return U2, 3/2 Way 1/4" Double Pneumatic Differential Pulse, 3/2 Way 1/4" Double Solenoid Amplified (L), 3/2 Way 1/4" Double Solenoid Amplified / Differential (L), 3/2 Way 1/4" Lever 90, 3/2 Way 1/4" Lever 90 with Mechanical Detent, 3/2 Way 1/4" Lever 90 with Mechanical Spring, 3/2 Way 1/4" N.C. / N.O. Single Pneumatic Amplified with Pneumatic Spring, 3/2 Way 1/4" N.C. Single Pneumatic Amplified with Pneumatic Spring, 3/2 Way 1/4" N.C. Single Soilnoid with Mechanical Spring (L) 2.5-10 Bar, 3/2 Way 1/4" N.O. Single Pneumatic Amplified with Pneumatic Spring, 3/2 Way 1/4" N.O. Single Sol with Mechanical Spring 2.5-10 Bar, 3/2 Way 1/4" N.O. Single Sol with Pneumatic Spring 2.3-10 Bar, 3/2 Way 1/4" Single So with Pneumatic Amplified Impulse, 3/2 Way 1/8" Double Pneumatic Amplified / Differential Pulse, 3/2 Way 1/8" N.C. Single Sol with Pneumatic Spring 2.3-10 Bar, 3/2 Way 1/8" Ports, 3/2 Way 1/8" Single Sol Valve 220V AC, 3/2 Way 1/8" Spring, 3/2 Way M5 Push Button Valve, 3/2 Way M5 Toggle Valve, 3/2 Way N/C 1 1/2" Sol/Spring Return – U1, 3/2 Way N/C 1/2" Solenoid Spring Return U2, 3/2 Way N/C 3/4" Solenoid Spring Return U2, 3/2 Way N/C M5, 3/2 Way N/O 1 1/2" Sol/Spring Return – U2, 3/2 Way N/O 1" External Pilot/Spring Return, 3/2 Way N/O 1" Sol Spring Ret, 3/2 Way N/O 1/2" External Port, 3/2 Way N/O 1/2" Sol Spring Ret U2, 3/2 Way N/O 3/4" External Pilot, 3/2 Way N/O 3/4" Solenoid Spring Ret U2, 3/2 Way N/O M5, 3/2Way 1/2" Single Sol Valve, 3/2Way 1/4", 3/2Way 1/4" N.C Single Solenoid Valves, 3/2Way 1/4" Single Air Pilot Valve, 3/2Way 1/4" Single Sol Valve, 3/2Way 1/8" Single Sol Valve, 3/2Way 1/8" Single Solenoid Valve, 3/2Way NC 1/8 220V AC Square Body, 3/4", 3/4" – 1" N.C., 3/4" – 1" N.O., 3/4" – One Way, 3/4" (DN20) Plastic Actuator 50, 3/4" 2/2 Way Brass N.C. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 3/4" 2/2Way Brass N.O. 0.2-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 3/4" 4 Way, 3/4" Ball Valve 2 Way, 3/4" Diaphragm to suit SLP valve ( Viton), 3/4" F/F Mini Univer, 3/4" Male /Female, 3/4" Univer, 3/8", 3/8" – 1/2" N.C., 3/8" – 1/2" N.O., 3/8" 2/2Way Brass N.C. 0-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 3/8" 2/2Way Brass N.O. 0-16 Bar -10-140C Viton, 3/8" BALL VALVE – 2 WAY, 3/8" F/F Mini Univer, 3/8" Male/Female, 3/8" Turbine Type Vibrator, 4/3 Way Hand Lever Valve 1/4" Detent, 40mm Pulse Valve, 48 VDC 8 Watt, 4mm, 5 Station 1/2", 5/2 Way 1" Single Solenoid Valves, 5/2 Way 1/2" Double Solenoid (High Flow), 5/2 Way 1/2" Single Solenoid (High Flow), 5/2 Way 1/4" Double Pneumatic Amplified, 5/2 Way 1/4" Double Pneumatic Amplified / Differential, 5/2 Way 1/4" Double Pneumatic Differential, 5/2 Way 1/4" Double Solenoid Amplified (L), 5/2 Way 1/4" Double Solenoid Amplified / Differential (L), 5/2 Way 1/4" Gaurd Lockable, 5/2 Way 1/4" Lever 90, 5/2 Way 1/4" Lever 90 with Mechanical Detent, 5/2 Way 1/4" Lever 90 with Mechanical Spring, 5/2 Way 1/4" Namur Valve – 300 Body Size, 5/2 Way 1/4" Single Pneumatic Amplified with Mechanical Spring, 5/2 Way 1/4" Single Pneumatic Amplified with Pneumatic Spring, 5/2 Way 1/4" Single Soilnoid Amplified with Mechanical Spring (L), 5/2 Way 1/4" Single Soilnoid Amplified with Pneumatic Spring (L), 5/2 Way 1/4" Single Solenoid Amplified with Pneumatic Amplified Impulse (L), 5/2 Way 1/4" Spring Re, 5/2 Way 1/4" Spring Return, 5/2 Way 1/4" With Gaurd, 5/2 Way 1/8", 5/2 Way 1/8" Spring, 5/2Way 1" Double Solenoid Valves, 5/2Way 1/2" Dble Solenoid Valve, 5/2Way 1/2" Detent, 5/2Way 1/2" Double Air Pilot Valve, 5/2Way 1/2" Double Solenoid Valves, 5/2Way 1/2" Single Air Pilot Valve, 5/2Way 1/2" Single Sol Valve, 5/2Way 1/2" Single Solenoid Valves 24V DC, 5/2Way 1/2" Spring Ret, 5/2Way 1/4", 5/2Way 1/4" Dble Sol NAMUR valve 220V, 5/2Way 1/4" Dble Sol Valve coils, 5/2Way 1/4" Detent, 5/2Way 1/4" Double Air Pilot valve, 5/2Way 1/4" Double Solenoid Valve, 5/2Way 1/4" Sing Sol NAMUR Valve 220V, 5/2Way 1/4" Single Air Pilot Valve, 5/2Way 1/4" Single Sol Valve, 5/2way 1/4" Single solenoid – Namur valve, 5/2Way 1/4" Single Solenoid Valve, 5/2way 1/4" Spring Ret, 5/2Way 1/8" Single Air Pilot valve, 5/2Way 1/8" Single Sol Valve, 5/2Way 1/8" Single Solenoid Valve, 5/2Way 3/8" Single Sol Valve, 5/2Way 3/8" Single Solenoid Valves C/P, 5/2Way ISO 1 DBL Sol, 5/2Way ISO 1 Double AIR PILOT valve, 5/2Way ISO 1 Double Sol Valve – AE Series (U2 Coil), 5/2Way ISO 1 Sing Sol/Spring, 5/2Way ISO 1 Single AIR Pilot Valve – Spring Return, 5/2Way ISO 2 DBL Sol, 5/2Way ISO 2 Double AIR PILOT Valve, 5/2Way ISO 2 Sing/Sol Spring, 5/2Way ISO 2 Single AIR PILOT valve – Spring Return, 5/2Way ISO 3 DBL Sol, 5/2Way ISO 3 Double AIR PILOT Valve, 5/2Way ISO 3 Sing/Sol Spring, 5/2Way ISO 3 Single AIR PILOT Valve – Spring Return, 5/2Way ISO 4 DBL Sol, 5/2Way ISO 4 Double AIR PILOT Valve, 5/2Way ISO 4 Sing/Sol, 5/2Way ISO 4 Single AIR PILOT Valve – Spring Return, 5/2Way Namur Valve – Convertable Range, 5/3 1/4" Spring RetC/Closed, 5/3 Way 1/4" Electric Control Closed Centers (L), 5/3 Way 1/4" Electric Control Open Centers (L), 5/3 Way 1/4" Electric Control Pressurised Centers (L), 5/3 Way 1/4" Lever 90 Spring Return Center Position Closed Centers, 5/3 Way 1/4" Lever 90 Spring Return Center Position Open Centers, 5/3 Way 1/4" Lever 90 Spring Return Center Position Pressurised Centers, 5/3 Way 1/4" Lever 90 Three Stable Positions Closed Center, 5/3 Way 1/4" Lever 90 Three Stable Positions Open Center, 5/3 Way 1/4" Lever 90 Three Stable Positions Pressurised Centers, 5/3 Way 1/4" Pneumatic Control Closed Centers, 5/3 Way 1/4" Pneumatic Control Open Centers, 5/3 Way 1/4" Pneumatic Control Pressurised Centers, 5/3Way 1/2" Cnt Closed Solenoid Valves, 5/3Way 1/2" Cnt/Closed, 5/3Way 1/2" Dble Sol Valve C/C, 5/3Way 1/2" Dble Sol Valve C/Exh, 5/3Way 1/2" Double Air Pilot Valve C/C, 5/3Way 1/2" Spring Ret Cnt/Cl, 5/3Way 1/4" Closed Double Solenoid Valves, 5/3Way 1/4" CntrClosed, 5/3Way 1/4" Dble Sol CntExhaust, 5/3Way 1/4" Dble Sol Valve CntClsd, 5/3Way 1/4" Double Air Pilot Valve C/C, 5/3Way 1/8" Centres Exhaust, 5/Way 1/2", 50mm Pulse Valve, 65mm Pulse Valve, 6mm, 76mm Pulse Valve, 8mm, Accident Prev Selector BLACK 1P, Accident Prevention Rotat Selec – Detent BLACK 2P, Actuator – Roller/Lever – to suite AC Series, Actuator – Roller/Lever Idler Return – to Suite AC Series, Adjustable 20×16 with cap, Adjustable 25×25 with cap, Adjustable 36×25 with Cap, Adjustable 36×50 With Cap, Adjustable N/O 1-10 Bar 1/8", Air Pilot Valve – Dble Pilot 5/2Way 1/2", AMPLIFIED- for CL/CM Valve, And Valve 1/8" BSP, BLACK Spring Return for CL/CM Valve, Blanking Plates 1/2", Blanking Plates for MVSA-260, Button Black to suite CL/CM Valves, Button Mush Spring Return RED for CL/CM Valves, Button Red to suite CL/CM Universal Valves, Button/Mushroom BLACK Detent for CL/CM Valve, Coil & Plug 24V AC to suite SLP 2/2valve, Coil & Plug to Suit SLP, Coil Nut U1/U3 Electropilot (AA), Coil Nut U2 Electropilot (AB Series), Coil-110vAC to suit SLP valve N/O, Coil-24v-DC to suit SLP valve N/O, Cover with Knob-Lever, Cover with Limit Switch 1/4", Cover with Limit Switch 1/8", Cover with Limit-Switch 1/4", Cover with Limit-Switch 1/8", Cover with One-Way Roller Lever 1/8", Cover with Roller Lever 1/8", Cover with Sensible Limit-Switch 1/4", Cover with Sensible Limit-Switch 1/8", Diaphragm 2" For SLP valve – Viton, Digital – Support Brackets, Digital 0-10 Bar NPN 2mtr, Digital 0-10 Bar PNP 2mtr, Digital Timer, Double Electrical Microswitch, Electrical Microswitch, F/F 1/2", F/F 1/4", F/F 1/8", F/F 3/8", F/F M5, Fingertip Operator To Suite MVHA Series, G: 1/2", G1/4", Hirschman Plug – Square for U2 & U3 valves, Hirshmen Plug EN175301-803, ISO 1 1/4" Sub Base, ISO 1 Blanking Plate, ISO 2 3/8" Sub Base, ISO 2 Blanking Plate, ISO 2 Connecting Plate Base, ISO 3 3/4" Sub Base, ISO 3 Blanking Plate, ISO 3 Connecting Plate, ISO 3 Connecting Plate Size 1-3, ISO 3 Plug, ISO 4 Sub Base 1", ISO 4 Sub Base 3/4" Side Port, ISO1 Doulbe Solenoid Valve, ISO1 Single Solenoid Valve 1/4 5/2 Way, ISO3 5/2Way Single solenoid Valve, Key/Push But Op – 1 Position for CL/CM/AC Valves, Lever Operated – BLACK 2P, M/F 1/2" Mini – Univer, M5, MVDC 19L Connecting Screw, MVDC 27L Connecting Screw, MVDC 8L Connecting Screw, MVDC Mounting Bracket, No Electrical Microswitch, Omni Antenna for CL/CM Valve, Omni Directional Lever – 1P, Palm Actuated Valve 3/2Way 1/4" Red, Palm Actuated Valve 5/2 Way 1/4", Palm Latching Activated Valve 3/2 Way 1/4", Palm Latching Activated Valve 3/2Way 1/4", Palm Latching Activated Valve 5/2 1/4", Panel Mount, PANEL mount Black for CL/CM Valve, PANEL Mount GREEN for CL/CM Valve, PANEL Mount RED for CL/CM Valve, Plate for Servo Assistance, Plate for servo assistence, Pneum Amplified for CL/CM Valve, Pneum Non Amplified for CL/CM Valve, Pneumoelectrical Transducer, Pressure Switch 1/8", Pressure Switch Adjustable -Elec, Protection Cap, Push Button 1/8" 3/2 Way, Push Button Mini 5/2 Way 1/8", Push Button Valve 2/2Way N.C 1/8", Push Button Valve 3/2Way 1/4" – Thumb, Push Button Valve 3/2Way1/4" Red Mushroom, Push Button Valve 5/2Way 1/4" FlatButton, Push Button Valve 5/2Way1/4" Red Mushroom, Push Pull/Pilot Valve 3/2 Way 1/8" BSP, Push Pull/Pilot Valve 5/2 Way 1/8" BSP, Push-Pull Cover 1/4", Push-Pull Cover 1/8", Push/Pull 2P, Recessed Button BLACK to suite CL/CM valve, Recessed GREEN for CL/CM Valve, RED Detent Mushroom for CL/CM Valve, Roller – 1 Position for CL/CM Valve, Roller Cam to suite MVHA valve, Roller Lever Valve 3/2 Way 1/4", Roller Lever Valve 5/2 Way 1/4", Rotary Hand Lever Valve 4/3Way 1/2", Rotating Lever Selec BLACK Detent, Rotating Lever Selec BLACK Spring Return, Sealing gaskets, Single Air Pilot Valve 3/2 Way 1/8" NC, Single Air Pilot Valve 5/2Way 1/4", Single AirPilot Valve3/2 Way 1/4" S/Return, SMC Valve – Base Mount DC, SMC Valve Dbl Sol Base Mount, SMC Valve Single Sol Base Mount, Toggle Lever Valve 3/2 Way 1/8" N.C, Toggle Valve 5/2 Way 1/8", Turn Button Valve 3/2 Way 1/4", Turn Button Valve 5/2Way 1/4" |
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